In the third book, teenage boy, Ziggie, and his vengeful, cunning cat, Shitty Kitty, continue to blame, fight and love to hate each other.
However, a small distraction enters the scene, as Ziggie's small cousin, Marie, comes to visit. Suddenly, someone wants to play with Shitty Kitty. She calls him Sweetie Pie and Farty Poopy and she is in general a terrible brat. In fact, here is for once something Shitty Kitty and Ziggie can agree on. Shitty Kitty puts his evil plans to eradicate Ziggie on hold and decides to teach Cousin Marie a lesson. But it does not go according to plan. Not at all, actually...
The first book, SHITTY KITTY: REVENGE IS SWEET AND REEKS OF FISH! won the Best Graphic Novel of the Year Award by The Copenhagen Libraries.
Both the first and second books were nominated for the Ping Prize.
The fourth book is currently nominated for the Orla Prize.