A super entertaining, a bit grotesque and rather gross graphic novel series about friendship and animosity. Because the teenager, Sivert, and his cunning cat, Shitty Kitty, love each other. Or love to hate each other.
Sivert is away at a summer camp, so Shitty Kitty is having a ball. It looks forward to enjoying a couple of days without blame, shame and the smell of sour feet. But happiness is short. Because after a series of unlucky fatalies, Shitty Kitty runs out of lives and is suddenly in limbo - dead as a doornail.
Shitty Kitty has lost all of his remaining six lives and now has to face God and convince the Devil that it doesn't belong in Hell after all, but at home with Sivert.
The first book, SHITTY KITTY: REVENGE IS SWEET AND REEKS OF FISH! won the Best Graphic Novel of the Year Award by The Copenhagen Libraries, as well as the Orla Prize 2023 in the category "The Book that made me wet my Pants with Laughing".
The second book is currently nominated for the Ping Prize.