Sun over Inner City: The Story of a Bellyache

Sol over indre by: historien om en mavepine

The Story about a Bellyache is the third book in the series Sun over Inner City about the girl, Sun, who has a mind of her own and a heart of gold. 

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

Emilie Rubæk Holm is an experienced freelance artist and illustrator with a Master’s Degree focused on Visual Communication from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Sun over Inner City: The Story of a Bellyache

Sol over indre by: historien om en mavepine

The Story about a Bellyache is the third book in the series Sun over Inner City about the girl, Sun, who has a mind of her own and a heart of gold. 

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

Emilie Rubæk Holm is an experienced freelance artist and illustrator with a Master’s Degree focused on Visual Communication from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.


It is a community workday in the block of flats where Sun lives. Together they have to paint, sweep, and remove garbage. However, to Sun this kind of work is just as bad as getting your nails cut. And going to bed early. And cheese. She'd prefer to avoid it.

On the other hand she loves party, cinnamon buns and sweets.

But how does she get her fair share without taking part in the work?

Sun over Inner City: The Story of a Bellyache
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: January, 2024
40 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample of the first book available upon request.

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World except: Danish