Kitty Poo I

Møgmis: Hævnen er sød og stinker af fisk

Hugely popular new graphic novel series, about a life and death pet war between a boy and his cat. A bestseller in Denmark and winner of several awards, the series is sold in six translation markets so far. There are currently five books planned in the series.

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

Thomas Hjorthaab is a graduate of Serieskolan in Malmö from 2012 and a full-time illustrator.

Kitty Poo I

Møgmis: Hævnen er sød og stinker af fisk

Hugely popular new graphic novel series, about a life and death pet war between a boy and his cat. A bestseller in Denmark and winner of several awards, the series is sold in six translation markets so far. There are currently five books planned in the series.

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

Thomas Hjorthaab is a graduate of Serieskolan in Malmö from 2012 and a full-time illustrator.


Why do adults have children? Ziggie thinks he has found the answer: they do it so that have someone to blame for everything. But if the adults are not completely heartless, they choose to have more than one child, so the children can blame each others – also known as “sibling love”. Unfortunately, Ziggie’s parents only had him, so he has to put up with all kinds of more or less unreasonable accusations.

He is therefore exceedingly happy when he gets a cat. Because cats are not able to tell on you and CutiepieRonaldo is the obvious scape goat for all the things that Ziggie would otherwise bear the brunt for alone.

However, when CutiepieRonaldo one day mistakes Ziggie's bed for the cat tray, it becomes the kick-off for a war on life and death between Ziggie and Kitty Poo – CutiepieRonaldo’s new nick name.

Kitty Poo is not prepared to forgive Ziggie for all the unreasonable accusions and with the help from the other pets in the neighbourhood - the conflict shy fighting dog, Killer Karen; the incredibly gluttonous, Peter Pug, and the deceased, Ooze Mouse – Kitty Poo starts a bloody revenge plan which will do Ziggie in, once and for all.

The graphic novel, KITTY POO: REVENGE IS SWEET AND REEKS OF FISH is a crazily funny tale about a teenager and his cunning cat caught in an eternal rivalry.

Winner of The Best Graphic Novel of the Year Award by The Copenhagen Libraries, as well as the Orla Prize 2023 in the category "The Book that made me wet my Pants with Laughing".

Both the first and second books were nominated for the Ping Prize.

The fourth book is currently nominated for the Orla Prize.


"Exceptionally well-suited to hilariously funny read-aloud moments with small children, but will also work as a laugh-out-loud reading experience for grown-ups." – (The Literature Page (Litteratursiden))

"Damn, it's a good book! Unpretentious and funny. My daughter is well-covered in terms of read-aloud book moments. She rates Shitty Kitty highly." – (Serieland (online comic book review platform))

"Super entertaining, a bit grotesque and a tad disguisting graphic novel about friendship, loyalty, revenge and first love. It mixes ordinary comic book pages with pages that combine text and suitable illustrations. The artwork style is rough but it fits well with the way the story is told." – (Library review (Lektørudtalelse))

Kitty Poo I
View as PDF
Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gads Forlag
Published: October, 2022
88 pages
Category: Graphic Novels
Sub-category: Children
Available material: Short English sample available. Furthermore, full translations into French and Italian.

Territories Handled

World except: Danish

Territories Sold

Faroese: BFL
Finnish: Otava
Italian: Il Castoro
Norwegian: Gyldendal Norsk
Polish: Nowa Baśń