Lead 3 - the Bigger they are, the Harder they fall

Spor 3 - højt at flyve, dybt at falde

The tension rises in the third and final volume of the mysterious and action-packed crime series about the boy, Billy, whose life is suddenly changed when his mother disappears. Will Billy be reunited with his mum? And will it all end well?

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

Lead 3 - the Bigger they are, the Harder they fall

Spor 3 - højt at flyve, dybt at falde

The tension rises in the third and final volume of the mysterious and action-packed crime series about the boy, Billy, whose life is suddenly changed when his mother disappears. Will Billy be reunited with his mum? And will it all end well?

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.


Billy is running! Away from his fears and towards hope. And towards his mum. He has MI5 hot on his heels. And the police. Because Grandma has reported Billy missing. But he isn't (yet.) Billy is with his father.

A cryptic message from Billy's mum leads them down through Jutland, but the journey becomes a race against time.

Sophia Souid has won the Skriverprisen 2024 for LEAD 1


"A terrific and really exciting crime series that is also serious and tough. Well-written with fluid, easy language, the book is hard to put down. You'll be rooting for Billy all the way through, and you'll be very excited to see what happens in the next volume. The grey-toned illustrations support the harsh noir atmosphere very well." – (DBC (Danish Library Centre)

"Sophie Souid is not just a writer with a sense of humour. She can also write." – (Bogbotten (Danish book blog, the Book Bot)

Lead 3 - the Bigger they are, the Harder they fall
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gads Forlag
Published: August, 2025
160 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Middle-Grade
Genre: Crime
Available material: English sample of the first book, plus English synopsis for the third book available.

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World except: Danish