Astronaut Training, Weightlessness and Giant Lightening

Astronauttræning, vægtlæshed og kæmpelyn

A super exciting first-hand description of his experiences in space from Andreas Mogensen, ghost-written by Thomas Brunstrøm. Part of Carlsen's popular non-fiction series, Er du rigtig klog?

Andreas Mogensen (b. 1976) works as an astronaut for the European Space Agency, ESA. He was in Space for the first time in 2015 and is currently on a mission the last 6 months, back again February 2024.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.

Astronaut Training, Weightlessness and Giant Lightening

Astronauttræning, vægtlæshed og kæmpelyn

A super exciting first-hand description of his experiences in space from Andreas Mogensen, ghost-written by Thomas Brunstrøm. Part of Carlsen's popular non-fiction series, Er du rigtig klog?

Andreas Mogensen (b. 1976) works as an astronaut for the European Space Agency, ESA. He was in Space for the first time in 2015 and is currently on a mission the last 6 months, back again February 2024.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.


Andreas Mogensen tells us about what it feels like to be chosen as astronaut among 10000 others. How it feels to be completely weightless and suddenly stand on the ceiling. How nervewrecking it is to train with the robot arm which has to catch your supplies in space so they don't float away. And how it feels to look down at earth from space and understand how important and precious our planet is and how silly it is to not look after it properly.

Other books in the series count:

  • Life, Death and the Hunt for Truth - a book about Philisophy for children
  • Big Bang, Space Missions and Life on Mars - a book about the Universe for children
  • Wise Neanderthals, Alien Skulls and Sick Vikings - a book about Evolution for children
  • Berserkergang, Plundering and Danegeld - a book about the Viking Age for children
  • Bones, Organs and our Cool Immune System - a book about the Body for children

Astronaut Training, Weightlessness and Giant Lightening
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: August, 2023
64 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Non-Fiction
Genre: Non-fiction
Available material: English sample upon request

Territories Handled

World except: Danish

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