Eddie helps out (4)

Eddie hjælper til

The Eddie books form part of a new series for the youngest children about the popular little brother of Sally.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.

Thorbjørn Christoffersen is a Danish illustrator, film director and animator.

Eddie helps out (4)

Eddie hjælper til

The Eddie books form part of a new series for the youngest children about the popular little brother of Sally.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.

Thorbjørn Christoffersen is a Danish illustrator, film director and animator.


Dad complains how hard it is to be an adult. There are so many practical things at home that need to be taken care of. Eddie frankly can’t see what the problem is. It all seems rather easy peasy. So he offers to help out a bit, while dad has a rest on the sofa. But things don’t turn out the way dad was expecting…


Eddie helps out (4)
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: October, 2022
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Humour
Film Rights: Babel-Bridge
Theatre Rights: Babel-Bridge
Available material: English sample of the first books in the series.

Territories Handled

World Rights (Babel Bridge)

Territories Sold

Polish: Dwukropek

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