Sally's Dad on Slippery Slopes

Sallys far på glatis

Sally's Dad is a modern day classic in Denmark with sales reaching over 1 million copies across all formats. The series is furthermore proving its ability to travel: it is a bestseller in Poland, and translation rights are currently sold to Faroe Islands, Finland, Italy and Norway. Sally's Dad on Slippery Slopes is the fourteenth book in the series.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.

Thorbjørn Christoffersen is a Danish illustrator, film director and animator.

Sally's Dad on Slippery Slopes

Sallys far på glatis

Sally's Dad is a modern day classic in Denmark with sales reaching over 1 million copies across all formats. The series is furthermore proving its ability to travel: it is a bestseller in Poland, and translation rights are currently sold to Faroe Islands, Finland, Italy and Norway. Sally's Dad on Slippery Slopes is the fourteenth book in the series.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.

Thorbjørn Christoffersen is a Danish illustrator, film director and animator.


Sally's dad takes the whole family along on a skiing holiday. He is looking forward to showing Sally how brilliant he is at skiing. Sally feels more like hanging out with her friend, Svend, who is also there with his family. Sally's dad does what he can to catch Sally's attention, but his plans are constantly ruined by Svend's dad who is a bit better than Sally's dad at EVERYTHING!

Sally's Dad on Slippery Slopes
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: November, 2023
40 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Humour

Territories Handled

World except: Danish

Territories Sold

Norwegian: Cappelen Damm
Polish: Dwukropek

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