Rick is actually Big

Noor er faktisk stor

A sweet and funny stand-alone picture book about feeling big and wanting to be independent from the bestselling author behind the Sally's Dad series.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.

Emilie Rubæk Holm is an experienced freelance artist and illustrator with a Master’s Degree focused on Visual Communication from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Rick is actually Big

Noor er faktisk stor

A sweet and funny stand-alone picture book about feeling big and wanting to be independent from the bestselling author behind the Sally's Dad series.

Thomas Brunstrøm is a bestselling author, freelance journalist, film critic and podcast host - and real-life dad to Sally and Eddie.

Emilie Rubæk Holm is an experienced freelance artist and illustrator with a Master’s Degree focused on Visual Communication from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.


Rick believes that he can do everything by himself - and he certainly does not need any help from mum and dad. Or does he?

Rick is actually Big
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: March, 2024
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Themes: Family, Growing up
Available material: Englishs ample upon request.

Territories Handled

World except: Danish

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