The Big one and the Little one

Den store og den lille

A lovely stand-alone picture book about getting a small sibling - by the author of the popular Shitty Kitty series, Sophie Souid.

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.

The Big one and the Little one

Den store og den lille

A lovely stand-alone picture book about getting a small sibling - by the author of the popular Shitty Kitty series, Sophie Souid.

Sophie Souid is an award-winning Danish children's book author known for her great humourous writing.


Muri is really great at circus tricks, but the adults don't see them. They are preoccupied with the little one. Muri thinks that's well annoying, but then she discovers that she has another talent. Muri is really good at looking after the little one.

With illustrations by Lars Samsø.

The Big one and the Little one
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: April, 2024
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample upon request

Territories Handled

World except: Danish