Mum Jytte and Dad Finn are absolutely miserable because they've heard on the radio that the poles are melting - and what will happen to their family at the South Pole?
Jamie Penguin can't stand all the noise, so he decides to build a climate machine. But such a machine is quite heavy, so Jamie Penguin needs help from his friends Jamie Rabbit and Ketty Cat.
Beautifully detailed picture books about Jamie Penguin, who has a hard time sitting still and listening at school, but loves to be creative.
Option publishers include: German (Klett Kinderbuch), Italian (Sinnos), Polish (Natuli).
"A charming new picture book in the series about Jamie Penguin and his building projects. Jørgen Clevin and his classic TV programmes come to life when you see the delightful penguin with his round glasses and braces. The book is packed with humour, delightful retro drawings and entertaining dialogues between the characters. Great picture book." – (Danish Library Centre (Dansk Bibliotekscenter)