Frantz gets into a Fight (1)

Frantz kommer op at slås (1)

The Frantz series is made up of 9 charming and funny stories about the boy with a big belly and an even bigger heart. Suitable as early reading, as well as reading aloud.

Katrine Marie Guldager is an award-winning writer whose work has been translated into several languages.

Rasmus Bregnhøi is a hugely popular and award-winning Danish illustrator, who was short-listed for the Deutscher Jugendbuchpreis in 2019.

Frantz gets into a Fight (1)

Frantz kommer op at slås (1)

The Frantz series is made up of 9 charming and funny stories about the boy with a big belly and an even bigger heart. Suitable as early reading, as well as reading aloud.

Katrine Marie Guldager is an award-winning writer whose work has been translated into several languages.

Rasmus Bregnhøi is a hugely popular and award-winning Danish illustrator, who was short-listed for the Deutscher Jugendbuchpreis in 2019.


Frantz lives on a nice, old farm far out in the country-side. He likes his piglet, Leif, and he likes good food. If something bothers Frantz, he immediate gets himself a sandwich. But one day, a new boy joins the class, and he nicks Frantz’s lunch box…

Frantz gets into a Fight (1)
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: Relaunched, 2019
56 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Themes: Friendship
Film Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency
Theatre Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency
Available material: English sample

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