Tommy the racing bike loves a good race. He is not keen on rust and flat tyres. Tommy's frame is shiny and newly polished and his tyres are pumped up hard. He is the kind of racing bike that many people dream of. Therefore he stays off the streets and the bicycle stands after dark, when all the bicycle thieves are on the prowl.
Nominated for the Danish Cultural Ministry's 2024 Children's Book Illustrator of the Year Award.
"The Bicycle Organisation ought to buy up the entire print-run of Lemire and Koudahl's new picture book which entertains and educates the youngest readers with courtly behaviour on the bicycle path." – (Weekendavisen)
"Gorgeous picture book for all bicycle lovers! It is a good story, spiced up with all the vocabulary connected to bicycles. The artwork is beautiful and colourful. There is a good opportunity to go on the hunt for details in both the illustrations and the language, which dishes out everything from tools for repair to rust bucket and hobby horse." – (Lektørudtalelse (Library Review)