Inventions, Knitted Beanies and a Mean Cat

Opfindelser, strikkede huer og en dum kat

The internationally recognised Danish illustrator is now also the author of his own picture book series, sold in translation to Chinese Complex, Italian, Korean and Spanish.

Rasmus Bregnhøi is a hugely popular and award-winning Danish illustrator, who was short-listed for the Deutscher Jugendbuchpreis in 2019.

Inventions, Knitted Beanies and a Mean Cat

Opfindelser, strikkede huer og en dum kat

The internationally recognised Danish illustrator is now also the author of his own picture book series, sold in translation to Chinese Complex, Italian, Korean and Spanish.

Rasmus Bregnhøi is a hugely popular and award-winning Danish illustrator, who was short-listed for the Deutscher Jugendbuchpreis in 2019.


The friends we make are not always the most obvious ones - this is one of the universal messages in this beautiful picture book about the mouse and cat that make best friends despite all odds.

Rasmus Bregnhøi is one of the best illustrators in Denmark with a recognizable and entertaining style. Inventions, Knitted Beanies and a Mean Cat won the Blixen Prize and translation rights thus far sold include Chinese Complex, Italian, Korean and Spanish.

Inventions, Knitted Beanies and a Mean Cat
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: July, 2015
48 pages
Category: Children's Books
Available material: Danish original, full English sample translation.

Territories Handled

World except: Danish

Territories Sold

Chinese Complex: Wu-Nan
Italian: Sinnos
Korean: Siwon School