It's bad enough that Filip has been run over by a car. But why does he, of all people, have to end up in hell? He has never been guilty of anything! However, the way up is blocked and so Filip follows the black cat, Luzifax, to the Devil's bone castle.
The Devil turns out to have big plans for him: he is suffering from an incurable illness and is looking for a successor. Filip Engel is less than suitable for the job. Instead, the Devil actually had his eye on the school bully, Damian, the perfect vile successor, but something went wrong and now Filip is here. Filip has no choice but to try his luck as the devil's apprentice. Not so easy if you're not the least bit evil ...
Filip quickly makes friends and enemies in this strange, dark world filled with vile devils, dark demons and doomed humans dressed in chains. He meets Pontius Pilate, David and Goliath and many other characters, and even though what they are subjected to is gruesome, it also gives Filip a different attitude towards both good and evil. He realises that one cannot exist without the other.
"Kenneth Bøgh Andersen can write until his heart stops beating. His imagination knows no bounds." – (Politiken)
"The Devil's Apprentice is well-written, exciting as hell, and even linguistically a pleasure... In short: An experience you shouldn't miss out on" – (Weekendavisen)
"With a twinkle in his eye, Kenneth Bøgh Andersen manages to conjure up a vivid and terrifying Hell ... The book is extremely well written, and Hell's scenery creates a good, entertaining and colourful atmosphere ..." – (Dansk Bibliotekscenter)