
The first book in the bestselling super hero series, aimed at 9-12, and comprising nine books. Translation rights were originally sold to China (Liaoning Children’s Publishing House), France (Bayard), Germany (Carlsen), Holland (Ploegsma), Norway (Mangschou) and Sweden (Hegas).

Kenneth Bøgh Andersen is a bestselling Danish author of horror, fantasy and sci-fi novels, translated into 15 languages.


The first book in the bestselling super hero series, aimed at 9-12, and comprising nine books. Translation rights were originally sold to China (Liaoning Children’s Publishing House), France (Bayard), Germany (Carlsen), Holland (Ploegsma), Norway (Mangschou) and Sweden (Hegas).

Kenneth Bøgh Andersen is a bestselling Danish author of horror, fantasy and sci-fi novels, translated into 15 languages.


Meet a true superhero!

The story of Antboy is the story of little, chubby Pelle Nørhmann from 6th grade - the absolute favourite victim of the Terror Twins'. But one day, when Pelle is bitten by a rather special ant, his whole world changes as if by magic. He begins to develop the most incredible powers and becomes the superhero, Antboy! But Pelle and Antboy soon realise that being a superhero in an ordinary sleepy town in Denmark is not always exciting - or easy.

The book is illustrated by Erik Petri and there are a total of 9 books in the series. Three Antboy live action films have been made in the past and a new animated TV series is currently in development.


"Kenneth Bøgh Andersen passes with flying colours ... Language and composition are - as always - excellent work. Bold and laid-back at the same time. The ant has landed!" – (Politiken)

"Good, solid and well-crafted entertainment that will be read under the duvet after the official bedtime - even by boys who are not normally known as readers." – (Weekendavisen)

"Basically, Kenneth Bøgh Andersen tells a touching and entertaining story - with both seriousness and humour... He knows the clichés and contradictions of the superhero genre like the back of his hand - and he uses it all in a highly creative and convincing way - and with a wonderful wry twinkle in his eye. It's just great storytelling!" – (Skolebiblioteket)

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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gyldendal
Published: May, 2011
170 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Middle-Grade
Genre: Adventure
Available material: Full English translation

Territories Handled

World except: Danish