The Witch


A lovely picture book about friendship, loneliness and balloons.

Zakiya Ajmi is a widely celebrated debut author. She was nominated for the Nordic Literature Council's Children's Book Prize in 2022 and shortlisted for the Cultural Ministry's Children's Book Author Prize.

The Witch


A lovely picture book about friendship, loneliness and balloons.

Zakiya Ajmi is a widely celebrated debut author. She was nominated for the Nordic Literature Council's Children's Book Prize in 2022 and shortlisted for the Cultural Ministry's Children's Book Author Prize.


This book is about a witch. An EVIL witch. And dangerous. She might not look so evil and dangerous, when you first spot her. But she really is. Så watch out. This book is also about a boy. A boy with a red balloon. And he is not so easy to frighten.

Can you be friends with someone who is very different to yourself - and who is does not seem particularly friendly at first encounter? If you are a stubborn boy who loves balloons and is not so easy to scare off - then perhaps...

With lovely illustrations by Anne Louise Laugesen.

The Witch
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gads Forlag
Published: April, 2024
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample upon request.

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World except: Danish