The Shadow Child


The Shadow Child is something as unusual as a chilling picture book, written as a sonnet crown. Published in 2007, it has obtained status of a classic on the Danish book market and is quite simply a masterpiece - written so that a 5-year-old can understand it, but with so many layers of meaning.  

Cecilie Eken is an award-winning author who writes with beauty and imagination in a language that encompasses both the every day and the poetical. Her works tackle the big themes of life: parents and children, friendship, love, and finding our place in the world and a sense of connectedness. She is currently nominated for the prestigious Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.

The Shadow Child


The Shadow Child is something as unusual as a chilling picture book, written as a sonnet crown. Published in 2007, it has obtained status of a classic on the Danish book market and is quite simply a masterpiece - written so that a 5-year-old can understand it, but with so many layers of meaning.  

Cecilie Eken is an award-winning author who writes with beauty and imagination in a language that encompasses both the every day and the poetical. Her works tackle the big themes of life: parents and children, friendship, love, and finding our place in the world and a sense of connectedness. She is currently nominated for the prestigious Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.


The Shadow Child and The Light Child live with Mum and Dad. But the parents don't want the Shadow Child in the house because she is defiant and troublesome and disturbs the happy idyll. Furious at their rejection, the Shadow Child wakes up all the monsters of the night and invites them in - ready to fight and scare the life out of the Light Child, so the Shadow Child can take her place.

With beautiful artwork by Malene Reynolds Laugesen.


"Cecilie Eken, one of the best Danish rhyming poets for children. (...) The text is demonic, thriller-like dangerous and horrifying. And almost unbearable. The beautifully curved lines are, as mentioned, in shivering contrast to the content. The lyrics sing and sway skilfully as the message creeps in. The subject is not new: parents' desire for children who neither demand nor disturb too much. And then there's sibling jealousy - here with clear associations to Cain and Abel. The theme is also the familiar contrast between light and dark, good and evil. But the way this is portrayed is new: a fully-formed demonism." – (Berlingske Tidende)

"The author manages to merge poetry and living narrative, and in many places it is simply beautiful. If the form of the sonnet crown should deter anyone in all its mathematical inaccessibility, just read the story aloud. Then the language dances away and the hairs stand up on your arms." – (Jyllandsposten)

"Cecilie Eken has written a unique, fascinating, wise and courageous picture book that is second to none. It is challenging, insightful and redemptive. It's just so beautiful!" – (Skolebiblioteket)

The Shadow Child
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gyldendal
Published: 2007
40 pages
Category: Children's Books
Available material: English sample, Full professional German translation

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World except: Danish