Dream Bikes and Soccer Dogs is a wonderful collection of poems for children, packed with unusual imagery, and with stunning illustrations by Mette Marcussen.
In the words of the White Raven committee:
Dream Bikes and Soccer Dogs is a poetic gem, featuring poems illustrated with delicacy that all tell little stories – lyrical, off-beat, and melancholic narrative poems, rich in language. There are poems about adults who are as boring as shopping carts, about a cowboy who loves the ocean, or about the eponymous dogs who secretly meet at dusk to play soccer. Readers hear about horses who wear too much lipstick, or witches who snore »like a swarm of bees buzzing in and out of an elephant’s trunk«. The unconventional visual language and the astonishing ideas make Dream Bikes and Football Dogs a book that inspires readers to marvel, spin out the tales, and create their own poems; a book they will want to pick up again and again. This is children’s poetry at its best!