Along came a Dog with the Ferry
Annie Bahnson
Along came a Dog with the Ferry is a funny, moving and original tale about friendship and courage – and...
Donna finds her way home
Merete Pryds Helle, Charlotte Pardi
A heart-warming picture book about finding a home, illustrated with love and atmosphere by Charlotte Pard...
Little Wee Finds Donna
Merete Pryds Helle, Charlotte Pardi
This is the third book in the utterly charming picture book series about the world's cutest puppy, Donna....
Kitty Poo II
Sophie Souid, Thomas Hjorthaab
This is the second book in the hugely popular graphic novel series, about a life and death pet war betwee...
Ava (1) - New Girl in Class
Thomas Hjorthaab, Mette Telefoni
This is a lovely new series of six illustrated books about the girl, Ava, aimed at independent readers fr...