The Worst

Det værste

A powerful story about having the best intentions, but nevertheless ruining both things and relations around you.

Annette Bjørg is a journalist by profession and has attended the Writing School for Children's Literature in Copenhagen.

Signe Kjær knew she wanted to draw books from the age of seven. Today, she has illustrated over 30 books and in 2021 she was awarded the Ministry of Culture's Illustrator Award.

The Worst

Det værste

A powerful story about having the best intentions, but nevertheless ruining both things and relations around you.

Annette Bjørg is a journalist by profession and has attended the Writing School for Children's Literature in Copenhagen.

Signe Kjær knew she wanted to draw books from the age of seven. Today, she has illustrated over 30 books and in 2021 she was awarded the Ministry of Culture's Illustrator Award.


Frida is a bit clumsy. She pushes over the glass with milk, ruins the pearl necklace of the new girl and hits the neighbour's green house with the football. It is hard to be Frida, because she doesn't do it on purpose. Fortunately, Grandmother is good at consoling her. And she says that she has once broken something that was much worse: a heart...

The book is warmly and atmospherically illustrated by Signe Kjær, who received the Cultural Ministry's Illustrator Prize in 2021.

The Worst
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: December, 2022
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample upon request

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