The Mental Health of Children

Børns mentale sundhed

More and more children and young people experience a nervous system on overdrive. They have a belly ache, sleep poorly, find it difficult to breathe and perhaps don't feel like going to school. This book gives an accessible explanation for the physiological marks that a stressed nervous system leaves on the body. There is an emphasis on children with anxiety, autism and ADHD and on how the adults surrounding the child can calm the overheated soul of the child.

Pernille Thomsen (b. 1967) is a socialpedeatric physiotherapist with a master in health pedagogic.

The Mental Health of Children

Børns mentale sundhed

More and more children and young people experience a nervous system on overdrive. They have a belly ache, sleep poorly, find it difficult to breathe and perhaps don't feel like going to school. This book gives an accessible explanation for the physiological marks that a stressed nervous system leaves on the body. There is an emphasis on children with anxiety, autism and ADHD and on how the adults surrounding the child can calm the overheated soul of the child.

Pernille Thomsen (b. 1967) is a socialpedeatric physiotherapist with a master in health pedagogic.


Hippocampus – which means seahorse in Greek – is one of the central places in the brain, among others responsible for emotional memory and regulation. If children and young people are faced with stress over time, the seahorse (hippocampus) starts to work poorly and in the worst cases, it shrinks. By reducing the pressure on the nervous system, and by making use of for example physical activity, it can start to grow again.

The book is addressed at parents, teachers, pedagogical staff, nursees, ergotherapists, social workers, doctors, psychologists and others who would like an insight into what a nervous system on overdrive does to a child.

The Mental Health of Children
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gads Forlag
Published: March, 2022
96 pages
Category: Adult Non-Fiction
Genre: Mental health
Available material: English sample upon request

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World except: Danish

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Hungarian: Scolar Kiado