Silent Worlds (2) The False Lives

Tavse verdener (2) De falske liv

Silent Worlds is an ambitious techno-thriller about fictional realities - and about technology that can change people. There are a total of four books in the series and The False Lives is the first installment.

Boris Hansen (b. 1981) is award-winning Danish writer of fantasy and sci-fi.

Silent Worlds (2) The False Lives

Tavse verdener (2) De falske liv

Silent Worlds is an ambitious techno-thriller about fictional realities - and about technology that can change people. There are a total of four books in the series and The False Lives is the first installment.

Boris Hansen (b. 1981) is award-winning Danish writer of fantasy and sci-fi.


Inception meets Blade Runner in Boris Hansen's sci-fi fantasy thriller, set in a near future where you can travel into books as if they were physical realities - and change them from the inside.

In The False Lives, the line between reality and fiction is blurring. Olivia Alby and her team search across worlds to solve the mystery of a mission gone wrong with impossible consequences - all while being haunted by the secrets of the past and a fictional killer who has escaped into reality.

Personal note from the author

‘The Silent Worlds series is my take on an intense suspense series with a unique twist, because literature is used as a meta-layer, playground and battlefield,’

Were you inspired by real events when you came up with the plot of the Silent Worlds series?

‘If this series had been written ten years ago, it would have been different. Now it's hard to write a science fiction story set in our near future without at least recognising climate change, for example.’

‘When you're also writing a story where culture has literally become a battlefield, it's also hard not to consider the anti-democratic currents of the time and the potential of misinformation when you think about what would actually happen if you could travel into stories and change them.’

He himself would travel into the sci-fi classic 1984 by George Orwell if he could choose. And what would he change?

‘At the very end, I would buy Winston Smith a cake or a teddy bear.’

Silent Worlds (2) The False Lives
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: October, 2022
576 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: YA
Genre: Fantasy
Available material: English sample upon request

Territories Handled

World except: Danish