Behind the Iron Curtain

Bag jerntæppet

A new book tells the story of the Cold War to children from 10+. Packed with cool illustrations by Mikkel Henssel.

Vibe Termansen (b. 1977) has an MA in History and Eastern European Studies and works as a freelance journalist, public speaker and moderator.

Behind the Iron Curtain

Bag jerntæppet

A new book tells the story of the Cold War to children from 10+. Packed with cool illustrations by Mikkel Henssel.

Vibe Termansen (b. 1977) has an MA in History and Eastern European Studies and works as a freelance journalist, public speaker and moderator.


In this richly illustrated book by Eastern Europe historian and journalist, Vibe Termansen, we find the answers to a lot of question about the Cold War. Who was Lenin and Stalin and how did they get millions of their own citizens to oblige? What was the infamous Iron Curtain which divided Eastern Europe from Western Europe until not so long ago?


"The historian, Vibe Termansen, has written an enlightening and exciting book in which she tells the story behind the Cold War in an accessible language. The book's graphic expression is fantastic. Mikkel Henssel's illustrations transport the reader back in time, both in terms of form and colour. It is a big assignment to write historically about such a complex subject and it demands naturally that you prioritize and exclude certain subjects . Vibe Termansen succeeds in this regard. However, it does make me wonder why for example Reagan's role in the culmination phase of the Cold War is one of these exclusions." – (Lektørudtalelse (Library review)

"Excellently told. And just as excellently illustrated." – (Six stars in the Pædagogen (The Pedagogue magazine)

Behind the Iron Curtain
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gads Forlag
Published: September, 2024
144 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Non-Fiction
Genre: Non-fiction
Available material: English sample upon request.

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World except: Danish