Axel and Mouse on the Great Journey

Axel og mus på den store rejse

An almost wordless cornucopia of a picture book.

Peter Bay Alexandersen (b. 1955) is a Danish illustrator, with a degree from the Design School in Kolding.

Axel and Mouse on the Great Journey

Axel og mus på den store rejse

An almost wordless cornucopia of a picture book.

Peter Bay Alexandersen (b. 1955) is a Danish illustrator, with a degree from the Design School in Kolding.


Open your mind, flick through the pages and the large fold-out spreads and let yourself be enchanted by the adventure of the boy, Axel, and his faithful companion, Mouse, who together with Uncle Globus, Admiral Giganto, Mate Olm and the rest of the windswept crew on the proud ship, The Catfish, set out to find five fabled treasures: the Sun Crystal Bottle, the Unicorn's Horn, the Moon Lily Flower, the Emerald Lizard and the Silver Heart.

Watch Axel make it past the fire people's islands, be amazed by the heads of the native people of the Xinga jungle who live under the treetops in their own upside-down world - and breathe a sigh of relief when the crew, with treasure chests abounding, heads full of stories and hearts full of experiences, finally make it home safe and sound.

Axel and Mouse on the Great Journey
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Alvilda
Published: October, 2015
68 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Fantasy
Available material: English sample upon request

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World Rights (Babel Bridge)