All the Monkeys

Alle aberne

A cute picture book about creativity and integrity.

Jørgen Stamp (b. 1969) is a Danish graphic designer and author/illustrator.

All the Monkeys

Alle aberne

A cute picture book about creativity and integrity.

Jørgen Stamp (b. 1969) is a Danish graphic designer and author/illustrator.


All the moneys are busy enjoying themselves - doing exactly what they prefer to do. But Monkey cannot figure out what he should do.

Because what does he actually feel like doing?


"A sweet picture book with lovely colour artwork in Jørgen Stamp's recognisable style. The book has a meta-layer, as the reader discovers on the last page that it is the last monkey who is the author of the book. It is quite a funny idea which will surprise the smaller children." – (Library review (Lektørudtalelse)

All the Monkeys
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Gads Forlag
Published: January, 2024
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Available material: English sample upon request.

Territories Handled

World except: Danish