Why don't We just Plant a lot of Trees? and other good Climate Questions from Children

Hvorfor planter vi ikke bare en masse træer? og andre gode klimaspørgsmål fra børn

The mantra in this new optimistic climate book is "The more we know, the stronger we are". Climate journalist, Nina Bendixen, and child psychologist, Margrethe Brun Hansen, meet children age 9+ at their level and answer some of the big important questions that a lot of children concern themselves with.

Margrethe Brun Hansen is a psychologist with a speciality in child psychology. She is the author of several bestselling books and is a popular lecturer. On top of that, she is often interviewed for print media and has appeared on television on many occasions.

Nina Bendixen is a weather presenter on Danish national television and has her own radio program called "Crazy about Climate". She creates entertaining workshops for schools on climate topics and and is "the climate nerd" on the national children's newspaper, Børneavisen.

Why don't We just Plant a lot of Trees? and other good Climate Questions from Children

Hvorfor planter vi ikke bare en masse træer? og andre gode klimaspørgsmål fra børn

The mantra in this new optimistic climate book is "The more we know, the stronger we are". Climate journalist, Nina Bendixen, and child psychologist, Margrethe Brun Hansen, meet children age 9+ at their level and answer some of the big important questions that a lot of children concern themselves with.

Margrethe Brun Hansen is a psychologist with a speciality in child psychology. She is the author of several bestselling books and is a popular lecturer. On top of that, she is often interviewed for print media and has appeared on television on many occasions.

Nina Bendixen is a weather presenter on Danish national television and has her own radio program called "Crazy about Climate". She creates entertaining workshops for schools on climate topics and and is "the climate nerd" on the national children's newspaper, Børneavisen.


Nina Bendixen and Margrethe Brun Hansen calm out minds, helping us understand that Earth and nature are actually tough and survived some crazy events throughout history, coupled with the fact that a lot of climate measures are in place that will help us going forward.

They also answer a lot of questions that children posed themselves:

  • Why don't we just plant a lot of trees?
  • Why does CO2 exist if it is so bad?
  • What happens with the sea, when it gets warmer?
  • Why is a cow fart extra bad for the climate?
  • Will it be possible to move to Mars? 
  • And many more...

The book is richly and humoristically illustrated by Bjørn Nørbo Andersen.

Why don't We just Plant a lot of Trees? and other good Climate Questions from Children
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: April, 2023
160 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Non-Fiction
Themes: Climate

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World except: Danish

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