The Heart of the Ice: The Town that Melted (2)

Isens hjerte: Byen der smeltede (2)

The Town that Melted is the second book in the exciting The Heart of the Ice fantasy series, aimed at children who are still a bit too young for traditional fantasy.

Ida-Marie Rendtorff is a brilliant Danish writer of fantasy for children and YA.

Emil Landgreen has illustrated a stunning new book on mermaids, as well as Ida Marie Rendtorff's MG series about The Ice Conjurers.

The Heart of the Ice: The Town that Melted (2)

Isens hjerte: Byen der smeltede (2)

The Town that Melted is the second book in the exciting The Heart of the Ice fantasy series, aimed at children who are still a bit too young for traditional fantasy.

Ida-Marie Rendtorff is a brilliant Danish writer of fantasy for children and YA.

Emil Landgreen has illustrated a stunning new book on mermaids, as well as Ida Marie Rendtorff's MG series about The Ice Conjurers.


Ulk and Aira have arrived at the town, Tild, and they immediately realise that something has gone completely wrong. The town is melting and all the ice conjurers have disappeared. A dangerous investigation follows, as not everyone is interested in Aira and Ulk discovering what has happened to the ice conjurers. But together they persevere: together they are brave.

With beautiful illustrations by Emil Landgreen.

The Heart of the Ice: The Town that Melted (2)
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: November, 2019
88 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Middle-Grade
Genre: Fantasy
Film Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency
Theatre Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency

Territories Handled

World except: Danish