The Golden Porcupine

Det gyldne pindsvin

A cute picture book for the youngest children about generosity, compassion and friendship.

Mikkel Sommer (b. 1987) grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark. He started freelancing in 2009, working in illustration, design for animation and comic books. He lives in Berlin with his wife and daughter.

The Golden Porcupine

Det gyldne pindsvin

A cute picture book for the youngest children about generosity, compassion and friendship.

Mikkel Sommer (b. 1987) grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark. He started freelancing in 2009, working in illustration, design for animation and comic books. He lives in Berlin with his wife and daughter.


News travel fast that the needles of the golden porcupine have magical powers. When you get a golden needle, you can make a wish and it will come true. The porcupine generously lets all the eager animals take a precious needle, so they can make their wishes come true. However, when winter comes, he has only one pin left and is getting quite cold. But then a little mouse comes by...

The Golden Porcupine
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Original Language: Danish
Published: October, 2023
32 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Fairytales
Available material: English sample upon request

Territories Handled

World except: Danish

Territories Sold

Korean: Seedosee