Sometimes I Wonder where Infinity Ends

Sommetider tænker jeg på, hvor uendeligheden ender

A philosphical, aestethic and well-written picture book about a small boy and all his thoughts before he goes to sleep. Aimed at 4+ and their parents.

Inger Tobiasen is one of the best-known Danish illustrators of children’s books – with her recognisable style, she catches the sentiments of children beautifully and she has provided artwork for many books, also by other authors.

Sometimes I Wonder where Infinity Ends

Sommetider tænker jeg på, hvor uendeligheden ender

A philosphical, aestethic and well-written picture book about a small boy and all his thoughts before he goes to sleep. Aimed at 4+ and their parents.

Inger Tobiasen is one of the best-known Danish illustrators of children’s books – with her recognisable style, she catches the sentiments of children beautifully and she has provided artwork for many books, also by other authors.


Before you go to sleep is often the moment when all sorts of thoughts announce their arrival. The boy in Inger Tobiasen’s lovely and heart-warming picture book has an avalanche of thoughts – about sleeping fish, the universe, love and the origin of words – all to keep the one thought he does not want to think about at bay – the thought about his best friend, Carla, and the bad thing he did…


"A fantastic, philosophical and heart-warming picture book about existential pondering...I am crazy about this well wrought and moving picture book*" – (DBC (Danish Library Centre) )


Sometimes I Wonder where Infinity Ends
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Fannis Farver
Published: 2019
60 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Film Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency
Theatre Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency
Available material: Danish original and English sample translation.

Territories Handled

World Rights (Babel Bridge)