Me and my Friends

Mig og mine venner

A solid board book of high quality for the smallest children about diversity and tolerance.

Ina Victoria Haller offers a series of books that turn reading with children into a fun and educational activity.

Lea Letén has a wonderfully recognisable style and is a popular illustrator of children's books.

Me and my Friends

Mig og mine venner

A solid board book of high quality for the smallest children about diversity and tolerance.

Ina Victoria Haller offers a series of books that turn reading with children into a fun and educational activity.

Lea Letén has a wonderfully recognisable style and is a popular illustrator of children's books.


In the book, we follow a small child during its day at kindergarten. We meet all the friends of the child and their differences and similarities both on the outside and on the inside are highlighted. At the end of the book is a mirror that invites conversation about differences, community and tolerance.

The aim is to point to the fact that children have many more things in common than differences and in this way, new relations are encouraged and bullying is prevented.

The book is written by psychologist, Ina Victoria Haller, and is illustrated by Lea Letén, the duo behind the bestseller, The Little Book about Big Emotions.

Me and my Friends
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Carlsen
Published: November, 2023
20 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Realism
Available material: English sample upon request

Territories Handled

World except: Danish