Max and Meta: Colours

Max og Meta: Farver

The Max and Meta series is a vibrant new series for children about scientific phenomena - a series where children's curiosity for our wonderful natural world is at the centre. Aimed at 6+, each book covers a new topic, such as gravity, the moon, time and atoms. Colours is the second book in a series of seven.

Troels Gollander is one of Denmark’s most popular writers of science literature for children and young adults,

Lars-Ole Nejstgaard is a cartoonist and illustrator of children’s books, several of which have been adapted for film.

Max and Meta: Colours

Max og Meta: Farver

The Max and Meta series is a vibrant new series for children about scientific phenomena - a series where children's curiosity for our wonderful natural world is at the centre. Aimed at 6+, each book covers a new topic, such as gravity, the moon, time and atoms. Colours is the second book in a series of seven.

Troels Gollander is one of Denmark’s most popular writers of science literature for children and young adults,

Lars-Ole Nejstgaard is a cartoonist and illustrator of children’s books, several of which have been adapted for film.


Max and Meta explore the natural world around them with curiosity. Meta has a magic power: when she snaps her fingers, she can transport her and her friend, Max, to new places. In this second book, Max and Meta are talking about colours: how they occur and what signals they each send. And in the end, Meta’s mum serves rainbow cake.


"A wonderful new series, which merges fiction and non-fiction and presents scientific phenomena in an inspiring and curious way." – (School Start Magazine (Skolestart)

"The cartoon style and the topic conveyed through the dialogue between Max and Meta work in a compelling way. The level is accessible, and the few cherry-picked facts, wrapped in a funny story, work as a lever to further literature on the topic." – (Library Review (Lektørudtalelse)


Max and Meta: Colours
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Meta
Published: February, 2023
26 pages
Category: Children's Books
Genre: Non-fiction
Themes: Science
Available material: Full English sample of the first book, The Moon, exists.

Territories Handled

World except: Danish