Gadgets and Recycling

Gadgets og Genbrug

An inspiring book, aimed at 10+, about how we use electronics, how gadgets are created and what you can do as a consumer to make a difference to the environment.

Tanja R. Bisgaard (b. 1972) is an economist with a background in sustainable innovation and growth. She is born in Trinidad & Tobago and has lived in Brazil, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.

Gadgets and Recycling

Gadgets og Genbrug

An inspiring book, aimed at 10+, about how we use electronics, how gadgets are created and what you can do as a consumer to make a difference to the environment.

Tanja R. Bisgaard (b. 1972) is an economist with a background in sustainable innovation and growth. She is born in Trinidad & Tobago and has lived in Brazil, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.


We dispose of tons and tons of electronic waste every year and a lot of it contains valuable raw material, such as gold and copper.

Gadgets & Recycling explains how electronics are created and provides background on where the raw materials come from and what happens to our gadgets when we cannot use them anymore.

Gadgets and Recycling
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Forlaget Krabat
Published: April, 2024
49 pages
Category: Children's Books
Sub-category: Non-Fiction
Genre: Non-fiction
Themes: Climate, Environment
Available material: English sample upon request.

Territories Handled

World except: Danish