Book of Farts: an Encyclopeadia of Farts

Pruttebogen: leksikon over fimser

A funny and informative picture book with brilliant illustrations by Maria Buchmann. Sold in translation to Korean, Poland and Norway.

Stine Dreyer and Hannah Dreyer are the mother/daughter duo who let their imagination run free and created an encyclopedia of 23 different types of farts.

Book of Farts: an Encyclopeadia of Farts

Pruttebogen: leksikon over fimser

A funny and informative picture book with brilliant illustrations by Maria Buchmann. Sold in translation to Korean, Poland and Norway.

Stine Dreyer and Hannah Dreyer are the mother/daughter duo who let their imagination run free and created an encyclopedia of 23 different types of farts.


Everybody farts! Even Queen Elizabeth and Justin Bieber. You probably know farts best from yourself, your family, and your friends. But how does a fart become a fart?

This is exactly what mother/daughter duo, Stine and Hannah Dreyer set out to examine and they have developed their own Fartotology, the teaching of farts and how they develop.

Some farts are noisy, some a completely silent - and all research shows that loud farts smell less whereas silent farts smell of death and destruction. You choose freely between pest or cholera: do you want to hold the fart back and risk that it develops into a Silent Stinker? Or do you prefer to release the Firecracker?

Something all farts have in common is that they are funny, even if they appear at the worst possible moments: in class, in the middle of a good game, during dinner.

This book invites curious children and their parents to talk about shared experiences with different fart types, including the Bubbler, the Firecracker, the Horror Honk and the Serial Fart.

Book of Farts: an Encyclopeadia of Farts
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Original Language: Danish
Original Publisher: Turbine
Published: May, 2019
44 pages
Category: Children's Books
Film Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency
Theatre Rights: Babel-Bridge Literary Agency
Available material: Danish original, English sample translation. Translations into Korean, Norwegian and Polish.

Territories Handled

World Rights (Babel Bridge)

Territories Sold

Korean: Yellow Pig
Norwegian: Solum Bokvennen
Polish: Czarna Owca