Brilliant underplayed horror with a strong sense of suspense and surprise.
A young girl with low self esteem is lured into a new shop on a side street with the most mesmerizing mannequin heads on display. She will never be the same again after that experience.
A boy is pressured by some older boys into climbing dizzying heights of a tree to pick up his lost football. On the branches high high up, he meets someone he will never forget again.
A gamer decides to ignore his mum and switches on his computer late at night for another round. The problem is only that damn wasp which seems to have entered his room. Severely allergic, he needs to keep an eye on it...
The stories exist in individually published hardcover editions of 48 pages each with about 13 illustrations. The text has been treated so that it is easier to read and is aimed at reaching a different audience.
The stories furthermore exist as cinematic audio books, complete with original music and sound effects.